
  • Product Description Laboratory Precision Biochemistry Incubator Coled Bod Refrigerated Incubator Uses: Apply to the production department of environmental stewardship, health and epidemic prevention drug tests, livestock, aquaculture and other research institutions. It is the dedicated thermostatic deviceofwater and BOD determination, bacteria, fungi, microorganisms cultivation, conservation, plant cultivation, breeding experiment. Tabia: 1. Shell imetengenezwa kwa sifa ya juu ...
  • Maabara hewa safi benchi na baraza la mawaziri la biosafety na hood ya fume
  • Maelezo ya bidhaa 150*125 taya crusher Tunaweza kubadilisha taya crusher kulingana na mahitaji ya mtumiaji. This Laboratory Jaw Crusher is designed for fast and effective pre-crushing of very hard, hard, medium-hard, and brittle materials, even ferrous alloys. Laboratory Jaw Crushers are designed for economic size reduction of typical aggregates and common minerals at an output scaled for laboratory testing. Nafasi za taya zinazoweza kurekebishwa huruhusu udhibiti wa karibu wa saizi ya pato. Uendeshaji wa hali ya juu ...
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